Get Your Beer Garden Ready For The World Cup!

smoking shelters, beer gardens
All too often beer gardens don’t feel like a garden at all, and are frequently just used as a convenient smoking area. With the World Cup just around the corner and the promise of good weather – here are a few ideas to create a great atmosphere in your pub garden to help your customers chill out while soaking up the sun, and the beautiful game!

Creative Seating in Your Beer Garden

Raised beds represent an ideal way to create additional seating in addition to any conventional picnic benches, but with no sacrifice on space.  Incorporate plenty of bright flowers to inject a burst of colour and help create a genuine garden scene.

Fencing for Privacy and Noise Reduction

acoustic fencing
If you plan to use the pub’s garden to provide an opportunity to watch the games on an outdoor screen, you may want to consider acoustic fencing. With many matches scheduled to take place late at night just when the pub is packed with cheering fans, your neighbours will certainly thank you if you do have an acoustic fence! Our Jakoustic acoustic fencing works by eliminating any gaps in the fence that sound could potentially travel through, creating an effective sound barrier.

Smoking shelters

smoking shelter, beer garden
With the pundits suggesting temperatures are set to soar, creating a dry and shaded area for your customers is a must! If you are intending to install a smoking shelter always remember to speak to your local planning authority first. Our Zone and Retreat shelters conform to the smoking legislation as they are not “wholly or substantially enclosed” but in addition to this, their stylish, contemporary design ensures they also double as a stunning focal point for the garden.

Decking: a great solution for busy pub gardens

Decking will enhance any outside area and prevent muddy walkways if the weather is not what we want, creating a low maintenance and easy to clean solution to your alfresco dining / drinking needs. For a busy pub garden opt for heavy duty decking  which is specially designed to cater for higher footfall  - destined to increase during the World Cup season!

With just over a week before the World Cup kicks off, you've just got time to get your beer garden into shape.

If you're a pub landlord or pub manager what are you planning for the World Cup? We would love to hear how you're preparing for this feast of football, so share your gardening ideas below.


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